
sobota, 5. oktober 2013

Feel better

What do you do when you have a poop-ish day? Everyone has those. When you feel like crying like a wolf  in the shower, under a blanket, under a table, or hidden behind the clothes in the closet. When everything goes wrong when you THINK everything is wrong, that everyone around you are wrong, that everything with you is wrong  and  tears just pour down your cheeks and you've got that  ugly cry ( ugh , the ugly cry ! ).

I think hormones are to blame =). It seems to me that especially we women sometimes behave completely unreasonable and we transform from a gentle cat into a totally crazy / crying dragon. And when the ''storm'' is over, we go back to normal. Huh, tough times for men=). Sometimes it's simply too much of everything and we just can't hold it together anymore.

Okay , first aid for these days :

1. Despite the fact that you've got a hell of a bad day, you have to realize that is exactly that, just a bad DAY. Tomorrow or the next day will music sound awesome again, that chocolate won't make you feel like puking  and people that surround you will no longer be the worst in the world.

2. Don't hold your feelings inside. Let your tears to fall down & let the swear words be heard ;). Talk about the things you're feeling inside to someone that is close to your heart. Someone  who will not judge you and you can easily share with the most strange and embarrassing thoughts and feelings . If you feel like you don't have someone like that, you can always send me an email, I'm not kidding.

3. Cut the silence with music. Music that makes you feel like you're not the only one that's going through this (that you can relate to). Or music that gives you so much energy that you could pick every grape in the vineyard  by yourself ....well not like you would wanna do that..I mean, who would wanna do that?! jeez

4. Write down your feelings. It can be long and detailed note in your journal. You can write a blog post about it if you have a blog...and be honest and accessible to your readers with writing down your crappy day. Or you can just write on a sheet of paper one big F *** Y **, underline it 14 times, encircle it for 3min, tear it apart and throw it in the trash. Uhh, stress is leaving you!

5. Go somewhere where you can be alone and just take deep breaths. Just breathe.

6. Cook something. Something that does not belong in the category of everyday cooking. Something a little more complicated . Something that doesn't include purchased dough, prepare it yourself (well you get the point ). Cooking can be very therapeutic if you have time. You can completely  disconnect, find your zen and you have a delicious food in front of you  when you're done, that will comfort you.

7. Take a walk. Hide in the woods and wait until you realize how happy you can be that you're alive and well and you have the opportunity to enjoy all this chlorophyll ... I hope that enough of fresh air will sober you up. Just don't become even more angry if a bird poops on you ... Hey, that's just nature ;). It will be extra awesome, if you have anywhere near sea, river, lake. Water is everything.

8. Exercise. When you workout and you're trying so hard that you feel like puking ... who has time to think about the negative things when you're too busy with sweating, fighting against the wish to give up and in the end you will be proud of yourself because you chose workout instead of donuts.

9. Watch some superficial TV show or a movie. It will be a great counterbalance to those heavy thoughts.

10. Cuddle an animal. For me personally, nothing is more special than to squeeze a dog or a cat. Unfortunately I don't have pets and therefore I constantly bother borrowed (mostly) cats. I'm thinking of stealing a cat from next door. Hmm .. it would probably be wrong? I will think about it.

11. Let it be. Disconnect your phone, crawl in bed with a book, make hot chocolate and allow it to just be. This too shall pass.

Chin up! =)

With Love, Neja
Kaj narediti, ko imaš neugoden (shitty) dan? Vsak ima kdaj tak dan. Ko bi najraje pod tušem tulil kot volk, pod odejo, pod mizo ali pa skrit za oblekami v omari. Ko gre vse narobe, ko se ti ZDI, da je vse narobe, da je z vsemi vse narobe, da je s tabo vse narobe in ko solze kar lijejo iz tebe in imaš tisti ta pravi grdi jok (uff, the ugly cry!).

Sigurno so hormoni krivi =). Vsaj meni se tako zdi. Zdi se mi, da se še posebno ženske včasih obnašamo povsem nerazumno in se iz nežne mačke spremenimo v totalno podivjane/jokajoče zmaje. In ko ''nevihta'' mine, smo spet normalne. Huh, res naporno za moške =). Včasih je pa preprosto vsega preveč in na neki točki ne moremo več držati pladnja, na katerem se je preveč stvari nabralo in popustimo pod težo.

Okej, prva pomoč za take dni:
1. Kljub temu, da imaš peklensko slab dan, se moraš zavedati, da je točno to, samo slab DAN. Jutri ali pojutrišnjem bo muska spet noro dobro zvenela, tista čokolada te ne bo silila na bruhanje in vsi, ki te obdajajo, ne bodo več vse najslabše na tem svetu.

2. Ne zadržuj čustev v sebi. Naj se slap solz ulije &  kletvica sliši ;). Zaupaj se osebi, ki ti je najbližje in jo pustiš k svojemu dragocenemu srčku. Osebi, ki te ne bo sodila in ji lahko mirno poveš še najbolj čudne in sramotne misli ter občutke. Če imaš občutek, da take osebe nimaš mi lahko mirno pošlješ mail, ne hecam se.

3. Tišino presekaj s glasbo. Glasbo s katero se lahko poistovetiš in ti da vedeti, da se to vsem dogaja, ne le tebi ali pa tako glasbo, ki ti da toliko energije, da bi lahko cel vinograd grozdja sama obrala, mislim, saj ne, da bi si kaj takega želela..le kdo bi hotel cel vinograd sam obrati?!

4. Napiši kako se počutiš. Lahko se na dolgo in detajlno izpoveš svojemu dnevniku. Lahko napišeš blog post o temu (če imaš svoj blog), da imaš malo slabši dan in si preprosto iskrena in dostopna svojim bralcem. Lahko pa napišeš na list papirja en velik F*** Y**, 14x podčrtaš, obkrožuješ 3 min, raztrgaš in vržeš v koš. Uhh, stres gre kar sam ven iz tebe!

5. Umakni se na samo in globoko dihaj. Samo dihaj.

6. Skuhaj nekaj. Nekaj, kar ne sodi v vsakodnevno kuho. Nekaj malo bolj zakompliciranega. Nekaj kar ne vključuje kupljenega testa, ampak ga naredi sama (no saj razumeš poanto). Kuhanje je lahko prav terapevtsko, če imaš čas. Lahko se popolnoma odklopiš, najdeš svoj zen in na koncu imaš omamno dobro jed pred sabo, ki te bo sigurno potolažila.

7. Pojdi v naravo. Skrij se v gozd in počakaj, da ti v glavi klikne kako srečna si lahko, da si živa in zdrava in imaš sploh možnost uživati v vsemu temu klorofilu...upam, da te bo svež zrak dovolj streznil. Samo ne postani dodatno jezna, če se bo ptič pokakal nate...Hej, to je pač narava;). Extra super je, če imaš kje blizu morje, reko, jezero. Voda je vse.

8. Telovadi. Ko telovadiš in se trudiš tako, da ti gre že na bruhanje...kdo ima takrat čas za to, da razmišlja o negativnih stvareh, o ne, preveč si zaposlena s švicanjem, bojem proti temu, da bi odnehala in na koncu si še ponosna nase, ker si izbrala telovadbo namesto krofa.

9. Poglej kakšno neumno, lahkotno nadaljevanko. To bo super protiutež tistemu težkemu bremenu, ki te spravlja v slabo voljo.

10. Pocrkljaj se z domačim ljubljenčkom. Zame osebno ni lepšega kot k sebi stisniti psa ali mačko. Na žalost nimam nič od tega in zato stalno nadlegujem sposojene (večinoma) mačke. Razmišljam, da bi sunila mačko iz sosednjega vhoda. bi verjetno bilo narobe? Bom še razmislila.

11. Pusti stvarem, da so. Odklopi telefon, zabubi se v posteljo s knjigo, skuhaj vročo čokolado in pusti, da mine.

Glavo gor =)

Z ljubeznijo, Neja