I have a cold! Yes, I enjoy in the company of handkerchiefs, tea and I think that swollen head suits me well ;). At least I feel as if my head will explode. Well, so at least I can enjoy the music and in my own world at home without disruption. This is the place where I live. Yes, I know that I'm a typical woman, I like very feminine things and I enjoy being in this role, after all, I'm not a male =). It's very important to me how the space where I live looks like, what kind of vibe it gives you. I can not stand dark things, they are killing me, I can not breathe in this kind of space, the light is very important. The decor is very important to me ... Well, obviously! Candles, soft cute things, cushions, flowers, pictures .. no I can't be without those things! The world outside may be ugly, horrible, rude and dark .. I do not care, in my place the sun always shines. That notebook on one of my pics, , where it says "My book of ideas, inspiration, memories, plans .." this... this is my rock. I write down in this notebook all quotes which speak to me, ideas, notes from books, ... And it says "Thank you" on the little hearts because this is my only prayer. Yes, the words "Thank you" are my prayer. I listened this song that I added probably 20 times at night and during the day...... therefore, it's only right that I share it. With love, Neja |
Zbolela sem ! Ja, uživam v družbi robčkov, čaja in otečena glava mi zelo pristoji ;). Vsaj počutim se tako, kot da mi bo glava kar eksplodirala. No, zato pa vsaj lahko uživam v muski in v svojem svetu doma, brez motenj. To je prostor, kjer prebivam. Da, zavedam se, da sem tipična ženska, všeč so mi zelo ženstvene in ženske stvari, uživam v tej vlogi, navsezadnje, saj nisem moški =). Zelo pomembno mi je, kako izgleda prostor v katerem živim, kakšen vibe oddaja. Ne prenesem temnih stvari, ubijajo me, ne morem dihati v takem, svetloba je na prvem mestu. Dekor mi je zelo pomemben ... hja, očitno! Svečke, mehke cute stvari, okrasne blazine, rože, slike..brez tega ne morem biti! Svet zunaj je lahko še tako grd, grozen, nesramen in temen ..vseeno mi je, pri meni vedno sije sonce. Tisti zvezek, na katerem piše "Moja knjiga idej, inspiracij, spominov, planov.." je moja skala. Vanj si zapisujem vse citate, ki mi spregovorijo in štrlijo ven iz množice vseh citatov, ideje, ki se mi stalno porajajo, zapiske iz knjig,... In na njemu piše "Thank you" zato, ker je to moja edina molitev. Pesem, ki jo danes dodajam sem ponoči in čez dan slišala vsaj 20x..torej, edino prav, da jo delim. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
torek, 29. januar 2013
The space I live in
ponedeljek, 14. januar 2013
Day in the life of Neja, No.1
Today's snow has encouraged me to share with you again... to share...well..me. Let's start with music... To be honest, it's a little hard for me to share the sound, rhythm, words ... that touches me ... music is something personal for me, I want to keep it for myself ... that's strange, right? After all, music is public .. but anyway = ). But from the beginning of writing this Blog my only rule was: Be yourself, be who you are .... and I will keep this promise ... Here are a few fragments of my Monday day. With love, Neja |
Današnji sneg me je spodbudil, da spet delim z vami...sebe. Začnimo z musko... če sem iskrena, mi je malo težko deliti zvok, ritem, besede...ki se me dotaknejo...muska je zame nekaj osebnega, zase jo hočem zadržati...čudno kajne, navsezadnje je to nekaj javnega..ampak vseeno =). Ampak od začetka je moje pravilo pri pisanju tega bloga samo eno: Bodi TI, bodi to kar si....in obljubo mislim držati... Tukaj je par drobcev mojega ponedeljkovega dneva. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
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