
nedelja, 26. maj 2013

Day in the life of Neja No.2

I'll never be able to read all the books I want, but I can try to reduce the list. I'll never be as powerful as nature, but I can enjoy its greatness. I am the most stunned, when I feel a memory in the air. . . I can't even explain what am I talking about. When you step out of the house and this is the first moment that you "feel" the weather .. and sometimes it is a warm season, but it just so happens that this is the day when the storm appears.. and the sky is black, as in these photos. Wind blows mysterious, something strange is in the air. . . something unexplainable . . . . it's the spring but it seems like it's autumn. I don't know why, but the feeling that  this kind of weather gives me, reminds me of something from the past. . . nothing specific, or a specific event, but the feeling that overwhelms me is some kind of Déjà vu.. It is nice and scary at the same time. I wish this feeling  would last longer, but it only appears for a few seconds.

With Love, Neja
Nikoli mi ne bo uspelo prebrati vseh knjig, ki jih hočem, lahko pa se potrudim zmanjšati seznam. Nikoli ne bom tako mogočna, kot je narava, lahko pa uživam v njeni veličini. Najbolj me presune, kadar v zraku začutim spomin . . . ne znam niti dobro pojasniti kaj imam s tem v mislih. Ko stopiš ven iz hiše in je to prvi trenutek, ko "začutiš" vreme.. in včasih je topel letni čas ampak je slučajno dan, ko se pripravlja na je nebo črno, kot na teh fotografijah. Veter zapiha misteriozno, nekaj čudnega je v zraku .  . . nekaj nepojasnljivega .... v bistvu je pomlad ampak zdi se , da je jesen. Ne vem zakaj, ampak občutek, ki ti ga da tako vreme, me spomni na nekaj iz preteklosti . . . na nič konkretnega, nikakor ne na specifičen dogodek, ampak občutek, ki me preplavi je kot nekakšen Déjà vu. Je prijetno in strašno hkrati. Želim si, da bi dalj časa trajal ta občutek, ampak vedno se pojavi samo za par sekund.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

petek, 3. maj 2013

My first video + random pics from past weeks

Today I'm posting  the video, which was filmed on my birthday. I'll probably post once in a while some videos to spice up the scene in this blog =). And such random everyday photos like this.

With Love, Neja
Danes objavljam video, ki je bil posnet na moj rojstni dan. Verjetno bom vsake toliko objavila kakšen video, da popestrim tole sceno na blogu =). In take naključne vsakodnevne fotke, kot so te.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

1.The center of Ljubljana city  on a rainy day. 2. Paris Mini Cake ... this one was superb! 3. Drinking tea while reading the book by Jon Krakauer: Into the wild. A great true story of a boy who was so sick of materialistic society  that he left everything and went to Alaska. 4. I often get hungry while I'm on computer so I act like a squirrel and pick nuts out of the jar full of homemade mixture of cereal. 5. This was the first real sign of spring, I love flowers in the vase! 6. New cute things for the apartment. 7. Heeeeey! =) 8. Breakfast: Quinoa with molasses and fruit. 9. Oooo, yeah, how cute is this sister's cat! 10. One of the favorite bracelets. 1. Center Ljubljane na deževen dan. 2. Mini pariška torta... tale je bila vrhunska! 3. Pitje čaja ob branju knjige V divjino od Jona Krakauerja. Odlična resnična zgodba fanta, ki se mu je materialistična družba tako zagravžala, da je pustil vse in odšel na Aljasko. 4. Pred računalnikom me velikokrat popade lakota in potem kot kakšna veverica brskam oreščke ven iz kozarca domače mešanice kosmičev. 5. Tole je bil prvi pravi znak pomladi, obožujem cvetje v vazi! 6. Nove luškane stvari za stanovanje. 7. Heeeeej! =) 8. Zajtrk: kvinoja z melaso in sadjem. 9. Oooo, ja kako srčkan je tale sestrin muci! 10. Ena izmed najljubših zapestnic.
1. I'm not a coffee drinker, but cappuccino tempts me once in a while. 2. Birthday cake. 3. I went running with  huge blisters, when I returned home, I nearly had a stroke when I saw this bloody massacre :/. 4. Bonfire on Rožnik. 5. Ljubljana .. if I close one eye and a half I can pretend that I'm in Amsterdam :D. 6. Homemade ice cream, made only with frozen bananas. 7. Oooohh yeaah ... Running, running, running! 8. Veggie burger- now this is the kind of lunch I really like .. here is the recipe. 9. Yankee candles, gift by my friend. 10. Another book read! Eat, pray, love-Elizabeth Gilbert. Every woman should, in my opinion, go on a trip around the world for one year.
1. Nisem kavopivec, kapučino me pa vseeno vsake toliko zamika. 2. Rojstnodnevna torta. 3. Na tek sem se odpravila z gromozanskimi žulji, ko sem se vrnila domov, me je skoraj kap, ko sem zagledala ta krvav masaker :/. 4. Kres na Rožniku. 5. Ljubljana.. če zamižim na eno oko in pol se lahko pretvarjam, da sem v Amsterdamu :D. 6. Domač sladoled, vse kar sem naredila je to, da sem zmiksala zmrznjeno banano. 7. Oooohh yeaah... tek, tek, tek!! 8. Vegi burger, tako kosilo mi je všeč..tukaj je recept. 9. Yankee sveče, darilo frendice. 10. Še ena knjiga prebrana! Jej, moli, ljubi- Elizabeth Gilbert. Vsaka ženska bi se po mojem mnenju morala potepati po svetu eno leto. 
1. Let's go to Kranj-family lunch. 2. These donuts with hazelnut cream are probably the best donuts ever! 3. A rare moment of tenderness by  insanely aggressive cat. 4. Salad with avocado, potatoes and grated carrots. 5. Another bracelet, which I love. 6. I was not going to eat dessert again but if you're in the Crystal Palace, then you just must try something sweet;). 7. Banana smoothie with dates. 8. I survived another running session!  9. Ahh, Ljubljana ... 10. Reading the book I was gay by Luca di Tolve. True story of an Italian gay, who became straight with the help of religion, I doubt that this is really possible, but ... still an interesting insight into gay life. 1. Pojdimo v Kranj na družinsko kosilo. 2. Tile krofi z lešnikovo kremo so po vsej verjetnosti najboljši krofi ever! 3. Redek trenutek nežnosti blazno agresivnega mačka. 4. Solata z avokadom, krompirjem in naribanim korenjem. 5. Še ena zapestnica, ki mi je zelo ljuba. 6. Nisem nameravala spet grešiti ampak, če si že v Kristalni palači, se ni treba zadrževati ;). 7. Bananin smoothie z dateljni. 8. Odtekla, preživela še en tek! 9. Ahh, Ljubljana... 10. Branje knjige Bil sem gej avtorja Luca di Tolve. Resnićna zgodba Italijana-geja, ki je s pomočjo vere postal heteroseksualec. Sama sicer dvomim, da je to resnično možno, ampak...vseeno zanimiv vpogled v gejevsko življenje.