Do it Yourself-DIY. In elementary school I loved everything about handicrafts. My after school activities were never sport related, oh no, no, I signed up for floral arranging class and for crocheting class. No, I'm not kidding, I was definitely not in the group of cool classmates =). Well, I lost the crochet hook the same year, so ... that was it, as far as my crocheting goes. When high school started, such things were absolutely not okay, because this is something only losers would do. BUT! Pinterst and DIY Blogs raised up DIY & Crafts to the level of cool! =) Ahhh thank God for Pinterest! Pinterest is an internet place where (mostly) women can find pics that they love and inspire them. We search pics and pin like crazy. At least I do! I don't know why but staring at food photography warms my heart. And searching inspirational interior design photos, quotes, recipes, fashion, cute cats and dogs ... Uff! I know that a lot of women out there fully understand me and are just as guilty of such behavior. You know who you are. Okay, I don't know why I started babbling about Pinterest ... (focus Neja) .. the point of this post is a DIY! I decided to revive the passion for crafting .. ahh, it's so relaxing! This DIY is perfect for Fall and it's sooo easy! I've already done the same thing six months ago, with lavender .... but it started to get on my nerves, because the lavender started to crumble, so I removed the lavender today and made this branch candle holder. I like this type of style ... wood and candle just scream home, warmth, Fall. What about you? Do you use Pinterest? You can find my boards here. And yes, my favorite color is white =). With love, Neja SUPPLIES
Round or square candle holders / jars / drinking glassesTwigs or small branches / lavender / dried flowers
Glue / elasticRibbon / raffia |
Do it yourself-DIY. V osnovni šoli sem oboževala vse v zvezi z ročnimi deli. Niti na kraj pameti mi ni padlo, da bi hodila na kakšen športen krožek, ne, jaz sem hodila na aranžerski krožek in na krožek ročnih del-kjer smo kvačkali. Ne, ne hecam se, definitivno nisem bila v skupini cool sošolcev =). No, kvačko sem še isto leto izgubila, je bilo to, kar se tiče mojega kvačkanja. Ko se je začela srednja šola se take stvari absolutno niso spodobile, ker to je nekaj, kar počnejo samo luzerji. AMPAK!! Pinterst in DIY Blogi so craftanje dvignili na cool raven! =) Ahhh hvala Bogu za Pinterest! Pinterest je internetni prostor, kjer si (večinoma) ženske damo duška. Brskamo med fotografijami in jih pin-amo kot zmešane. Vsaj jaz sem taka! Ne vem zakaj ampak buljenje v food photography me pogreje pri srčku. In iskanje inspiracijskih fotografij notranjega dizajna, citatov, receptov, mode, kjut mačkov in psov... Uff! Vem, da je veliko žensk tam zunaj, ki me popolnoma razumejo in so prav tako krive takega obnašanja. Veste katere ste. Okej, ne vem zakaj sem začela blebetati o Pinterestu...(fokus Neja)..poanta te objave je DIY! Odločila sem se, da oživim strast do ustvarjanja z rokami..ahh, to je tako sproščujoče!! Tale DIY je popoln za jesen in takooo preprost! Enako stvar sem naredila že pol leta nazaj, s sivko....samo mi je šlo na živce,ker se je vse drobilo in sem danes sivko odstranila in naredila ta svečnik z vejicami. Všeč mi je tak stil... les in sveča kar kričita dom, toplina, jesen... Kaj pa vi? Uporabljate Pinterest? Moje table najdete tukaj. In ja, moja najljubša barva je bela=). Z ljubeznijo, Neja MATERIAL
Okrogli ali kvadratni svečniki / kozarci / kozarci za hrano
Vejice / sivka / posušene rože
Lepilo / elastika
Okrasni trak / rafija
četrtek, 26. september 2013
DIY & Craft: Branch Candle Holder
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