Recently I received a very nice email from Catherine who offered me a collaboration with the online store know that horror music? How did they know that I need new glasses ??!? I wanted to buy new glasses for the last 10 years!! Most of you don't know that I don't see the world clearly, because I wear contact lenses and only people that are close to me are those who see me wearing glasses. Therefore, I haven't invested heavily in glasses. I was wearing the same glasses since I was 17 years old, and this were only the second pair of glasses I've ever had. Recently my friend teased me how I look 12 years old when I wear them. Tenx former friend (literally). For the past 3 years I wanted large glasses with black frames and ooohh Mary and God, now I have them! Catherine from said that I can choose one pair of glasses. In their online shop you will find glasses, glasses frames, prescription sunglasses... I went through their entire webshop and I found my top 4 frames. In the end I opted for these glasses. I sent them all the necessary information regarding my perscription. I received them very quickly, together with a case and cleaning cloth for glasses. They were perfect, the prescription was spot on and I can honestly say that I am satisfied with my geeky glasses. I will need some time to get used to such large glasses but that's fine, because I like changes. gave me the code for you, readers of my blog so you too can buy their glasses with 50% discount. The discount applies to eyeglasses and sunglasses with free lenses (sale frames excluded). With love, Neja |
Pred kratkim sem dobila zelo prijazen mail od Catherine, ki mi je ponudila sodelovanje s spletno trgovino Tiruriruriruruuu..a veste, tista muska iz grozljivk? Kako so vedeli, da potrebujem nova očala??!? Potrebujem jih že 10 let! Večina vas ne ve, da sem slabovidna, ker nosim kontaktne leče in le domači so tisti, ki me vidijo z očali. Zato nisem prav veliko vlagala v očala. Od 17ga leta nosim ista in to je šele drugi par očal, kar sem jih kdaj imela. Pred kratkim me je prijatelj zafrkaval, da z njimi delujem 12 let stara. Tenx bivši frend (literally). Že vsaj 3 leta sem si želela očal z velikimi črnimi okvirji in ooo marija bog, zdaj jih imam! Pri so rekli, da si ena lahko izberem. V njihovi spletni trgovini boste našli očala, okvirje za očala, sončna očala z dioptrijo.... Pregledala sem celotno ponudbo in izbor zmanjšala na 4 okvirje. Na koncu sem se odločila za ta očala. Poslala sem jim vse potrebne podatke glede moje dioptrije. Očala sem dobila zelo hitro, skupaj z etuijem in krpico za čiščenje očal. Z njimi je bilo vse v redu, dioptrija se je ujemala in iskreno lahko rečem, da sem zadovoljna s svojimi piflarskimi očali. Nekaj časa bom potrebovala, da se bom navadila tako velikih očal ampak so mi fajn, ker imam rada spremembe. Pri so mi dali kodo, da si boste bralci mojega bloga lahko njihova očala kupili s 50% popustom. Popust velja za očala z dioptrijo in sončna očala (popust ne velja za očala, ki so v akciji). Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
50% off on
eyeglasses and sunglasses
Lepa očala. ;) Jaz imam podoben okvir znamke Vogue.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTa so res popularna! =) Hvala za obisk ;). Tudi jaz sem knjigoljubka. hihi :)