
sreda, 26. marec 2014

My Beauty Tips

I’m not a beauty guru or beauty blogger. I am a woman and yes, I use creams and other women’s stuff =). So I decided to do a post about all cosmetic products that I use. I don’t buy expensive items, because I can’t afford them and on the other hand, I believe that expensive products are in many cases no better than cheaper ones. Also, it really gets on my nerves that some products are so abnormally high priced, solely because of the status of the company, and honestly, even if I could afford it, I wouldn’t want to support them. I would love it if I mainly used natural cosmetics, which is unfortunately mostly a bit more expensive. Nisem beauty gurujka ali beauty bloggerka. Sem pa ženska in ja, uporabljam kreme in ostale babje stvari =). Zato sem se odločila narediti en post o vseh kozmetičnih artiklih, ki jih uporabljam. Ne kupujem dragih artiklov, ker si jih niti ne morem privoščiti po drugi strani pa sem mnenja, da dragi izdelki v veliko primerih niso boljši od cenejših. Prav na živce mi gre, da imajo nekateri izdelki tako nenormalno visoke cene, izključno zaradi statusa podjetja in iskreno, tudi če bi si jih lahko privoščila, jih ne bi želela podpirati. Si pa želim, da bi večinoma uporabljala naravno kozmetiko, ki pa je na žalost večinoma malce dražja.
You know what's really important? What do you put in your body. Therefore, it seemed appropriate to start this post with healthy drinks. I very rarely drink alcohol, or soft drinks, juices ... I Mostly drink tea - even when it's hot because I put it in the fridge, so I basically make homemade iced tea =). The second beverage is of course, water. At the beginning, I found it difficult to get used to ... but 7 years later, drinking water is the most natural thing to do. The third drink is coconut water. I don’t drink it often, because it’s not exactly cheap, but it is good for you, because it contains a lot of potassium and it doesn’t contain a lot of calories. And the difference with water is that it has some flavor =). I know that this taste is not for everyone, but I like it!  Veste kaj je res pomembno? Kaj daste v svoje telo. Zato se mi je zdelo primerno, da za začetek izpostavim zdrave pijače. Sama zelo redko pijem alkohol, gazirane ali sladke pijače, sokove… Večinoma vedno pijem čaj-tudi, ko je vroče, ker ga dam v hladilnik, tako da si v bistvu sama naredim ledeni čaj=). Druga pijača je seveda voda. Na začetku sem se težko navadila…ampak 7 let kasneje, je pitje vode nekaj najbolj naravnega. Tretja pijača je kokosova voda. Ne pijem je pogosto, ker ni ravno poceni, je pa dobra, ker vsebuje veliko kalija in ne vsebuje veliko kalorij. In za razliko od vode ima nekaj okusa =). Vem, da ta okus ni všeč vsakemu, meni je!
Every so often I like to smear a face mask on my face. I don’t do it that often, because I simply forget. But still, my woman soul needs this type of silly rituals =). Vsake toliko se rada napackam z masko za obraz. Sicer tega ne počnem pogosto, ker preprosto pozabim. Ampak vseeno, moja ženska duša potrebuje take sorte neumnosti=).
My hair are quite damaged and I was never too concerned with their care. Because I want to refresh them, I started using hair oil. I wet a towel with hot water, I put it for half a minute in the microwave, then I apply hair oil and wrap a warm towel around my hair. I wash my hair 2x/week and every so often I use a hair mask. I must point out that I never in my life dyed my hair, because I think that it really damages the hair. Couple of weeks ago I started eating nutritional supplements for vital hair, because as I said, I am currently trying to take a little better care of my hair (in principle, I don’t eat nutritional supplements, except capsules of omega-3). Moji lasje so precej scefrani in nikoli se nisem preveč ukvarjala z njihovo nego. Ker sem želim poboljšati, sem začela uporabljati olje za lase. Brisačo zmočim z vročo vodo, jo položim za pol minute v mikrovalovko, na lasje si nanesem olje in ovijem toplo brisačo okoli las. Tako naj bi olje bolje opravilo svojo funkcijo. Lasje si operem 2x/teden in vsake toliko uporabim masko za lasje. Moram poudariti še to, da si las še nikoli v življenju nisem pobarvala, ker se mi zdi, da barvanje lasje res uniči. Par tednov nazaj sem začela jesti prehranske dodatke za vitalne lasje, ker kot sem rekla, trenutno se trudim, da bi malo boljše poskrbela za lasje (načeloma ne jem prehranskih dodatkov, razen kapsule omega 3).
The most important habit for every woman is cleansing your face before going to bed, and removing all your make-up. At the same time I find it very good to use tonics for skin hydration. I love the natural tonic with the scent of roses. In fact, I found that roses are the most common among the products that I use. In cosmetics I love the scent of roses, flowers in general .. and fresh, fruity fragrance. Najbolj pomembna navada za vsako žensko je, da si pred spanjem očisti obraz, odstrani make-up. Hkrati se mi zdi zelo dobro uporabljati tonike, za hidriranje kože. Obožujem naravni tonik z vonjem vrtnice. Pravzaprav sem ugotovila, da je vrtnica najbolj pogosta med izdelki, ki jih uporabljam. V kozmetiki obožujem vonj vrtnice, rož na sploš sveže, sadne vonje. 
Okay, this is a little ridiculous. I've never bought so cheap face creams. Usually I pay for face cream 10/20/30 eur. Two face creams and cream for the skin around the eyes cost me less than 10 eur. Currently cosmetic is not my priority =). Okej, tole je kar malo smešno. Še nikoli nisem kupila tako poceni krem za obraz. Po navadi sem dala za kremo za obraz 10/20/30 eur. Dve kremi za obraz in krema za kožo okoli oči so me stale manj kot 10 eur. Trenutno kozmetika ni moja prioriteta =).
I love body scrubs. Vandini’s scrub smells wonderfully! It reminds me of a chewing gum. I can’t remember the brand’s name. Almost every day, when I shower, I do exfoliating foot scrub. I do face and whole body scrub several times a month. Obožujem piling telesa. Vandinijev piling diši omamno! Spominja me na neke žvečilne gumije v lističih. Ne morem se spomniti imena znamke. Skoraj vsak dan si med tuširanjem naredim piling stopal, piling obraza in celega telesa pa naredim nekajkrat na mesec.
I rarely use body milk on my entire body (I don’t like the feeling), but I do use it every day on my feet, before I go to sleep. To me it seems that the most nutritious thing for skin are body oils. But it's a bit annoying to go to sleep all greasy =). Celo telo si bolj poredko namažem z mlekom za telo (ker mi ni všeč občutek), si pa vsakič pred spanjem namažem stopala. Se mi pa zdi, da so olja najbolj hranljiva za kožo. Je pa malce nadležno spati tako masten =). 
I don’t have a bath at home, but I often prepare a bowl for feet soaking, full of hot water, salt, liquid and sticks for bubble bath, soap flakes, oils for the skin .... I basically use things that are meant for bubble bath. Such regular foot care seems to me very important and I must say that I have never in my life been at salon chiropody ( or manicurist ) because my feet are like rose petals :D. Doma nimam banje, si pa pogosto pripravim lavor za namakanje nog, poln tople vode, soli, tekočine in palčk za penečo kopel, milnih lističev, olja za kožo….praktično uporabim stvari, ki so mišljene za penečo kopel. Taka redna nega stopal se mi zdi zelo pomembna in moram reči, da še nikoli v življenju nisem bila pri pedikerki (ali manikerki), ker imam stopala, kot vrtnični lističi :D. 
I always carry a hand cream in my purse so I can protect my hands against cold. V torbici vedno nosim eno kremo za roke, da se zaščitim pred zunanjim hladom.
Several times a day I use lip balm, usually before I apply make-up and before I go to sleep. I love these natural lip balms, vintage design is literally to die for! I always pay attention to products design. Strange habit. Večkrat na dan si ustnice namažem z vazelinom, po navadi preden si nanesem make-up in preden grem spat. Obožujem tele naravne vazeline, vintage dizajn je pa dobesedno za umret! Vedno sem pozorna na dizajn artiklov. Čudna navada.
The care of make-up brushes is very important. You need to clean them at least 1x/week or 1x/month. I prepare a mixture of water, dishwashing detergent and olive oil. I soak them some time in this liquid, then rinse them under running water. Zelo pomembna je nega make-up čopičev. Vsaj 1x/teden ali 1x/mesec jih je potrebno očistiti. Sama jih očistim tako, da pripravim tekočino iz vode, detergenta za pomivanje posode in olivnega olja. Nekaj časa jih pustim v tej tekočini, nato pa jih sperem pod tekočo vodo. 

nedelja, 16. marec 2014


Last Sunday we ran away, again. On a trip. In nature. To me, very beloved. All that soothing atmosphere, green color, strong trees ... this is the sweetest thing. Therefore, it was very hard when I saw the consequences of sleet, we had a few weeks ago. It's like a tornado came and broke everything. Every walker that was there was shocked to see nature in this kind of condition, including us. Nature doesn’t ask if she may.

It was nice to hang out in the woods, discover the most beautiful forest cottage, to get to learn what is written on Truffle’s Bucket List, chat with a friendly grandpa that  enthusiastically told us about locations we just MUST have to visit.

Recharge, refresh yourself.

With love, Neja
Prejšnjo nedeljo sva spet pobegnila. Na izlet. V naravo. Meni zelo ljubo. Vsa ta pomirjujoča atmosfera, zelena barva, močna drevesa… to je nekaj najlepšega. Zato mi je bilo prav težko, ko sem videla kakšne posledice je pustil žled, ki smo ga imeli nekaj tednov nazaj. Kot bi prišel tornado in polomil vse. Vsi sprehajalci smo razočarano strmeli v žalostno sliko. Narava ne vpraša, če sme.

Lepo se je bilo potikati po gozdu, odkriti najlepšo gozdarsko kočo, spoznavati, kaj je napisano na Tartufijevem Bucket listu, klepetati s prijaznim dedkom, ki nama je navdušeno razlagal katere lokacije MORAVA nujno obiskati.

Napolni, osveži, prenovi se.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja