
sreda, 2. april 2014

Blast From the past: Sardinia

A few years ago, I flew for the first time. This was my only such experience so far. We flew from Trieste to Sardinia and back. Gašper met new friends on some kite trip, and they made a plan for kite trip during Slovenian Spring holiday - Sardinia. There were 6 of us, 4 guys and 2 girls, both non-kiters. I only knew Gašper. I survived the flight =)! But we had some problems, because there wasn’t enough space on the plane (almost every one of us was sitting alone) and some of our luggage was transferred elsewhere because there wasn’t enough space in overhead bins. When we flew to Sardinia, a rented motorhome was waiting for us at the airport, which was absolutely too small for 6 people. We soon discovered that they stole money from the luggage, that was transferred. Really classy Rayner.

But the whole thing was very cool. We drove around in our RV (4 days), from one beach to another, the weather was pretty much lousy, the inside of our RV was a complete mess, because the weather was rainy + beach sand + all that kitesurfing equipment = result that remains after a bomb explodes. We ruined a couple of things in the RV (not intentionally), we closed the sky window with silver tape (because we broke it and couldn’t close it anymore), we woke up one day in the middle of the flood, and some workers helped us, towed us out of there and really, if I think about it, I can honestly say that it was great. Such nonsense and problems are the ones you remember the most at the end and laugh about it every time you remember it.

With love, Neja
Nekaj let nazaj sem prvič letela. Za enkrat je bila to tudi edina taka izkušnja. Iz Trsta do Sardinije in nazaj. Gašper je na kajtarskem tripu spoznal nove prijatelje in naredili so načrt, za prvomajski kajtarski trip-Sardinija. Bilo nas je 6. Štirje fantje, dve punci in obe nekajtarki. Poznala sem samo Gašperja. Let sem preživela =)! So pa bile manjše štale, ker je bilo na letalu premalo prostora (skoraj vsak od nas je sedel sam) in nekaj naše prtljage so premestili drugam, ker v tistih omaricah nad glavo ni bilo dovolj prostora. Ko smo prileteli do Sardinije nas je na letališču čakal najet avtodom, ki pa je bil absolutno premajhen za 6 ljudi. Kmalu smo ugotovili, da so dvema iz prtljage ukradli denar. Res elegantno Rayner.

Ampak vse skupaj je bilo prav cool. 4 dni smo se stiskali v avtodomu, vozili iz ene plaže na drugo, vreme je bilo bolj ušivo, v avtodomu smo imeli totalen skret, ker nas je bilo tako veliko + deževno vreme + mivka + ogromno kajtarske opreme = rezultat, ki ostane, ko raznese bombo. Par stvari smo pokvarili v avtodomu (nenamerno), zalepili strešno okno s silvertejpom (ker smo ga pokvarili in se ga ni dalo zapreti), se zjutraj zbudili sredi poplave en dan, iz katere so nas izvlekli neki delavci in res, če potegnem črto, lahko rečem, da je bilo super. Ravno take neumnosti so tiste, ki si jih na koncu najbolj zapomniš in te vsakič znova nasmejijo.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

4 komentarji:

  1. I Love Sardinia ;)

  2. Jaz bi rekla ponesrečeno posrečeni (:

  3. Hi, I'm Zumal from Malaysia, I blog walking here :)

  4. Hi dear, you have an interesting blog, I wish we can follow each other on BLOGLOVIN and FACEBOOK, if you decided to follow me, please let me know so I can follow you back. Thank you.
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