Many times I wanted to buy decorative flags for cupcakes. I recently discovered a really cute ones, but the price was a little bit too high for me. What a nonsense to pay that kind of money, if you can make your own and in much greater quantity. The possibilities are endless, you can cut out of decorative paper circles and do circles instead of flags or some other shape. Happy creating! =) With love, Neja |
Velikokrat sem si želela kupiti okrasne zastavice za cupcakes. Pred kratkim sem odkrila ene res luštne, ampak zdele so se mi čisto predrage. Kakšna neumnost, da bi plačevali toliko denarja, če si pa lahko sami naredimo svoje in v veliko večji količini. Možnosti je veliko, lahko iz okrasnih kartonov izrežemo kroge in namesto zastavic naredimo kroge ali kakšne druge oblike. Veselo ustvarjanje! =) Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
ponedeljek, 2. december 2013
DIY: Simple flags for topping cupcakes / Okrasne zastavice
torek, 19. november 2013
Blast from the past: Amsterdam
''Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin,
but in truth it is a city of freedom.
And in freedom, most people find sin.''
John Green
Three years ago, when Truffle and I were dating only for one month, he asked me: '' I need to drive my friend to Netherlands, wanna go with me, we will stay for the weekend? '' Umm , dddd , YES ! Sex, drugs, how can I possibly refuse? Okay this last sentence is a joke. Prostitutes do not interest me, they are basically causing me stress, because when I start to think of them, I start wondering about philosophical questions such as: Why is this world so strange that such things are even happening? Drugs .... oh, I know that you'll laugh if I tell you about a personal goal that I have in relation to drugs. Many people find it funny. My goal is to go through life without trying drugs (and yes, weed is also a drug). I'm not an uptight cow, but I have absolutely no need, curiosity, let alone the courage to try it. On the one hand it seems to me that the easiest way in life is to be curious about drugs and just try it. My stubbornness is to blame that I do not want to be like everyone else. Yeah, that and the fact that I read the book We Children from Bahnhof Zoo in the seventh grade, which traumatized me for life. And because I am addicted to sweet delights such as cookies, brownies .. I am very worried that one day someone will slip me that special brownie, just so that person will laugh at me saying: '' Ha ha, now you tried weed, your goal is washed down the toilet!'' Ugh :/. But I do feel that I will probably 30 years from now toss my stupid rules out the window and start doing everything I’m now saying NO to. Maybe I will have on my bucket list- get high like a horse. Well, we’ll see. Amsterdam .... It’s true that I wasn’t there for a long time, but enough time, that I felt it, and enough to be impressed by it. It reminiscent me of Ljubljana (capital city of our little Slovenia), well just a little bit. But I think that’s just because of canals ( we have river Ljubljanica) and narrow town houses. The first thing I noticed, were bicycles. Bicycles everywhere! It gives you such a feeling of relaxation .. Everyone on their pretty bicycles, feeling and breathing Amsterdam. In general, everyone there appeared to be much more relaxed and open. The funny thing was when we were having a drink at this little cafe on the street and every little spot was used for a sitting area .... even at 40cm wide wall between the door and the corner of the building was placed a small footstool on which a girl sat and read a book. Not to mention the fact that the cat seemed to be in a package with the café, because she casually sat on our table. Amsterdam is not famous only for Red-light district and Coffee shops ( where the emphasis is not on the coffee ;)) but also for many museums, but to be honest, to me, museums are not interesting. Not because of ignorant reasons. Museums are not something that would make me happy on a trip and something I could hardly wait to see when I arrive to some foreign city or country. I don’t think that I will say to myself 10 years from now, when I’ll remember trips: ''Oh, how nice it was when I saw those pictures in the gallery, etc ... '' It means more to me, to walk around the city, to observe the city vibe, eat a croissant and sit on a bench. Quiet, romantic city full of canals, bridges, bicycles, museums, Belgian waffles, historic buildings, floating homes, marijuana, tourists, prostitutes, freedom, dreams, narrow Dutch houses, tolerance, short rain showers, men who have good taste in fashion and Anne Frank and Van Gogh are in between. Photo of Amsterdam from above is really interesting, all those canals… I have the biggest laugh when I remember an event that happened when Truffle and I went to the store. We were walking and a few meters away were three Dutch girls and Truffle said: ''Look, pretty Dutch girls,'' and right at that moment my legs got tangled in the branches on the ground and I looked like a total clumsy elephant and he continued: ‘’aaaaaand I have this one ( meaning this clumsy goofball).'' We both laughed at this like crazy =). What can I say, I’m clumsy. 13 -hour drive home was imbued with a CD of Pete Murray on repeat, Dutch profiteroles and emotions that smell like fresh love. With love, Neja |
Tri leta nazaj, ko sva bila s Tartufijem šele en mesec v zvezi, me je vprašal: ''Frenda morm pelat na Nizozemsko, bi šla zraven, za čez vikend?'' Umm, dddd, JA! Seks, droge, kako bi sploh lahko zavrnila? Okej to zadnje je hec. Prostitutke me ne zanimajo, v bistvu mi povzročajo stres, ker si ob misli na njih postavljam filozofska vprašanja kot npr. : Zakaj je ta svet tako čuden, da se kaj takega sploh dogaja? Droge….oh, vem, da se mi boste smejali, če vam zaupam osebni cilj, ki ga imam v povezavi z drogami. Marsikomu se to zdi smešno. Moj cilj je, da bi šla skozi življenje brez, da bi poskusila droge (in ja, sem štejem tudi travo). Nisem zategnjena krava, ampak reees nimam nobene potrebe, firbca, kaj šele poguma, da bi jih probala. Po eni strani se mi zdi, da je najlažje biti firbčen in probat. Moja trma je kriva, da nočem biti firbčna kot vsi ostali. Ja to in dejstvo, da sem v sedmem razredu OŠ prebrala knjigo Mi, otroci s postaje Zoo, ki me je zatravmirala za celo življenje. In ker sem odvisna od sladkih radosti, kot so piškoti, najbolj skrbi, da mi bo kdo podtaknil tiste, ta posebne brownije, samo zato, da bi se mi lahko smejali v glavo: ''Ha ha, zdej si pa probala travo, tvoj cilj je šel v wc školjko!'' Grrrr :/ Čeprav imam občutek, da bom čez kakšne 30 let svoja neumna pravila vrgla skozi okno in notri prinesla vse, čemur sedaj pravim NE. Mogoče bom na bucket list-u imela tudi alinejo: zadrogirej se ga kot konj. Amsterdam…. Res, da sem bila tam zelo malo časa, ampak dovolj, da sem ga začutila in dovolj, da me je impresioniral. Po eni strani me malo spominja na Ljubljano. Ampak mislim, da samo zaradi kanalov (mi imamo Ljubljanico) in ozkih mestnih hiš. Prva stvar, ki sem jo opazila, so bila kolesa. Povsod, kolesa! To ti da en tak občutek sproščenosti.. vsi lepo na kolesih, čutijo in dihajo Amsterdam. Na splošno so se mi vsi tam zdeli veliko bolj zrelaksirani in odprti. Najbolj smešno je bilo, ko smo bili na pijači v enem lokalu na ulici in je bil res dobesedno vsak kotiček izkoriščen….še ob 40cm široki steni med vrati in robom stavbe je bil postavljen majhen tabure, na katerem je sedela punca in brala knjigo. Da ne govorim o temu, da je bila očitno v paketu skupaj z lokalom tudi mačka, ki se je ležerno usedla na našo mizo. Res je, da je Amsterdam poleg Rdeče četrti in Coffee shopov (v katerih ni poudarek na kavi ;) ) zelo znan tudi po številnih muzejih, ki pa mene, če sem iskrena ne zanimajo. Pa ne iz ignorantskih razlogov. Muzeji niso nekaj, kar bi mene razveselilo in bi komaj čakala, da vidim, ko pridem v neko mesto/državo. Ne zdi se mi, da bom čez 10 let, ko se bom spominjala potovanj, pomislila :'' O, kako fajn je bilo, ko sem videla tiste slike v galeriji, itd…'' Ne vem, več mi pomeni, če pohajkujem po mestu, opazujem mestni vibe, jem rogljič in sedim na klopci. Tiho, romantično mesto, polno kanalov, mostov, koles, muzejev, belgijskih vafljev, zgodovinskih stavb, plavajočih domov, marihuane, turistov, prostitutk, svobode, sanj, ozkih holandskih hiš, tolerantnosti, kratkih deževnih ploh, moških, ki imajo dober okus za modo pa še Ana Frank in Van Gogh sta vmes. Slika Amsterdama je iz višine res zanimiva, vsi tisti kanali prav dobro izpadejo. Najbolj se nasmejim, ko se spomnim na dogodek, ki se je zgodil, ko sva šla s Tartufijem v trgovino. Hodila sva proti trgovini, par metrov stran so bile tri Nizozemske in Tartufi je rekel: ''Lej, čedne Nizozemke,'' ravno v tistem momentu sem se zapletla v veje na tleh in izgledala kot totaln štorast slon in on je nadaljeval: ''…iiiiiin jz mam pa tole (češ tega štora).'' Oba sva se temu smejala, kot zmešana=). Kaj naj rečem, nerodna sem. 13 urna vožnja domov je bila prežeta s Cdjem Pete Murraya na repeat, nizozemskimi profiteroli in občutkov, ki dišijo po sveži ljubezni. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Blast from the past,
Foreign countries,
Pete Murrray,
sobota, 5. oktober 2013
Feel better
What do you do when you have a poop-ish day? Everyone has those. When you feel like crying like a wolf in the shower, under a blanket, under a table, or hidden behind the clothes in the closet. When everything goes wrong when you THINK everything is wrong, that everyone around you are wrong, that everything with you is wrong and tears just pour down your cheeks and you've got that ugly cry ( ugh , the ugly cry ! ). I think hormones are to blame =). It seems to me that especially we women sometimes behave completely unreasonable and we transform from a gentle cat into a totally crazy / crying dragon. And when the ''storm'' is over, we go back to normal. Huh, tough times for men=). Sometimes it's simply too much of everything and we just can't hold it together anymore. Okay , first aid for these days : 1. Despite the fact that you've got a hell of a bad day, you have to realize that is exactly that, just a bad DAY. Tomorrow or the next day will music sound awesome again, that chocolate won't make you feel like puking and people that surround you will no longer be the worst in the world. 2. Don't hold your feelings inside. Let your tears to fall down & let the swear words be heard ;). Talk about the things you're feeling inside to someone that is close to your heart. Someone who will not judge you and you can easily share with the most strange and embarrassing thoughts and feelings . If you feel like you don't have someone like that, you can always send me an email, I'm not kidding. 3. Cut the silence with music. Music that makes you feel like you're not the only one that's going through this (that you can relate to). Or music that gives you so much energy that you could pick every grape in the vineyard by yourself ....well not like you would wanna do that..I mean, who would wanna do that?! jeez 4. Write down your feelings. It can be long and detailed note in your journal. You can write a blog post about it if you have a blog...and be honest and accessible to your readers with writing down your crappy day. Or you can just write on a sheet of paper one big F *** Y **, underline it 14 times, encircle it for 3min, tear it apart and throw it in the trash. Uhh, stress is leaving you! 5. Go somewhere where you can be alone and just take deep breaths. Just breathe. 6. Cook something. Something that does not belong in the category of everyday cooking. Something a little more complicated . Something that doesn't include purchased dough, prepare it yourself (well you get the point ). Cooking can be very therapeutic if you have time. You can completely disconnect, find your zen and you have a delicious food in front of you when you're done, that will comfort you. 7. Take a walk. Hide in the woods and wait until you realize how happy you can be that you're alive and well and you have the opportunity to enjoy all this chlorophyll ... I hope that enough of fresh air will sober you up. Just don't become even more angry if a bird poops on you ... Hey, that's just nature ;). It will be extra awesome, if you have anywhere near sea, river, lake. Water is everything. 8. Exercise. When you workout and you're trying so hard that you feel like puking ... who has time to think about the negative things when you're too busy with sweating, fighting against the wish to give up and in the end you will be proud of yourself because you chose workout instead of donuts. 9. Watch some superficial TV show or a movie. It will be a great counterbalance to those heavy thoughts. 10. Cuddle an animal. For me personally, nothing is more special than to squeeze a dog or a cat. Unfortunately I don't have pets and therefore I constantly bother borrowed (mostly) cats. I'm thinking of stealing a cat from next door. Hmm .. it would probably be wrong? I will think about it. 11. Let it be. Disconnect your phone, crawl in bed with a book, make hot chocolate and allow it to just be. This too shall pass. Chin up! =) With Love, Neja |
Kaj narediti, ko imaš neugoden (shitty) dan? Vsak ima kdaj tak dan. Ko bi najraje pod tušem tulil kot volk, pod odejo, pod mizo ali pa skrit za oblekami v omari. Ko gre vse narobe, ko se ti ZDI, da je vse narobe, da je z vsemi vse narobe, da je s tabo vse narobe in ko solze kar lijejo iz tebe in imaš tisti ta pravi grdi jok (uff, the ugly cry!). Sigurno so hormoni krivi =). Vsaj meni se tako zdi. Zdi se mi, da se še posebno ženske včasih obnašamo povsem nerazumno in se iz nežne mačke spremenimo v totalno podivjane/jokajoče zmaje. In ko ''nevihta'' mine, smo spet normalne. Huh, res naporno za moške =). Včasih je pa preprosto vsega preveč in na neki točki ne moremo več držati pladnja, na katerem se je preveč stvari nabralo in popustimo pod težo. Okej, prva pomoč za take dni: 1. Kljub temu, da imaš peklensko slab dan, se moraš zavedati, da je točno to, samo slab DAN. Jutri ali pojutrišnjem bo muska spet noro dobro zvenela, tista čokolada te ne bo silila na bruhanje in vsi, ki te obdajajo, ne bodo več vse najslabše na tem svetu. 2. Ne zadržuj čustev v sebi. Naj se slap solz ulije & kletvica sliši ;). Zaupaj se osebi, ki ti je najbližje in jo pustiš k svojemu dragocenemu srčku. Osebi, ki te ne bo sodila in ji lahko mirno poveš še najbolj čudne in sramotne misli ter občutke. Če imaš občutek, da take osebe nimaš mi lahko mirno pošlješ mail, ne hecam se. 3. Tišino presekaj s glasbo. Glasbo s katero se lahko poistovetiš in ti da vedeti, da se to vsem dogaja, ne le tebi ali pa tako glasbo, ki ti da toliko energije, da bi lahko cel vinograd grozdja sama obrala, mislim, saj ne, da bi si kaj takega želela..le kdo bi hotel cel vinograd sam obrati?! 4. Napiši kako se počutiš. Lahko se na dolgo in detajlno izpoveš svojemu dnevniku. Lahko napišeš blog post o temu (če imaš svoj blog), da imaš malo slabši dan in si preprosto iskrena in dostopna svojim bralcem. Lahko pa napišeš na list papirja en velik F*** Y**, 14x podčrtaš, obkrožuješ 3 min, raztrgaš in vržeš v koš. Uhh, stres gre kar sam ven iz tebe! 5. Umakni se na samo in globoko dihaj. Samo dihaj. 6. Skuhaj nekaj. Nekaj, kar ne sodi v vsakodnevno kuho. Nekaj malo bolj zakompliciranega. Nekaj kar ne vključuje kupljenega testa, ampak ga naredi sama (no saj razumeš poanto). Kuhanje je lahko prav terapevtsko, če imaš čas. Lahko se popolnoma odklopiš, najdeš svoj zen in na koncu imaš omamno dobro jed pred sabo, ki te bo sigurno potolažila. 7. Pojdi v naravo. Skrij se v gozd in počakaj, da ti v glavi klikne kako srečna si lahko, da si živa in zdrava in imaš sploh možnost uživati v vsemu temu klorofilu...upam, da te bo svež zrak dovolj streznil. Samo ne postani dodatno jezna, če se bo ptič pokakal nate...Hej, to je pač narava;). Extra super je, če imaš kje blizu morje, reko, jezero. Voda je vse. 8. Telovadi. Ko telovadiš in se trudiš tako, da ti gre že na bruhanje...kdo ima takrat čas za to, da razmišlja o negativnih stvareh, o ne, preveč si zaposlena s švicanjem, bojem proti temu, da bi odnehala in na koncu si še ponosna nase, ker si izbrala telovadbo namesto krofa. 9. Poglej kakšno neumno, lahkotno nadaljevanko. To bo super protiutež tistemu težkemu bremenu, ki te spravlja v slabo voljo. 10. Pocrkljaj se z domačim ljubljenčkom. Zame osebno ni lepšega kot k sebi stisniti psa ali mačko. Na žalost nimam nič od tega in zato stalno nadlegujem sposojene (večinoma) mačke. Razmišljam, da bi sunila mačko iz sosednjega vhoda. bi verjetno bilo narobe? Bom še razmislila. 11. Pusti stvarem, da so. Odklopi telefon, zabubi se v posteljo s knjigo, skuhaj vročo čokolado in pusti, da mine. Glavo gor =) Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
četrtek, 26. september 2013
DIY & Craft: Branch Candle Holder
Do it Yourself-DIY. In elementary school I loved everything about handicrafts. My after school activities were never sport related, oh no, no, I signed up for floral arranging class and for crocheting class. No, I'm not kidding, I was definitely not in the group of cool classmates =). Well, I lost the crochet hook the same year, so ... that was it, as far as my crocheting goes. When high school started, such things were absolutely not okay, because this is something only losers would do. BUT! Pinterst and DIY Blogs raised up DIY & Crafts to the level of cool! =) Ahhh thank God for Pinterest! Pinterest is an internet place where (mostly) women can find pics that they love and inspire them. We search pics and pin like crazy. At least I do! I don't know why but staring at food photography warms my heart. And searching inspirational interior design photos, quotes, recipes, fashion, cute cats and dogs ... Uff! I know that a lot of women out there fully understand me and are just as guilty of such behavior. You know who you are. Okay, I don't know why I started babbling about Pinterest ... (focus Neja) .. the point of this post is a DIY! I decided to revive the passion for crafting .. ahh, it's so relaxing! This DIY is perfect for Fall and it's sooo easy! I've already done the same thing six months ago, with lavender .... but it started to get on my nerves, because the lavender started to crumble, so I removed the lavender today and made this branch candle holder. I like this type of style ... wood and candle just scream home, warmth, Fall. What about you? Do you use Pinterest? You can find my boards here. And yes, my favorite color is white =). With love, Neja SUPPLIES
Round or square candle holders / jars / drinking glassesTwigs or small branches / lavender / dried flowers
Glue / elasticRibbon / raffia |
Do it yourself-DIY. V osnovni šoli sem oboževala vse v zvezi z ročnimi deli. Niti na kraj pameti mi ni padlo, da bi hodila na kakšen športen krožek, ne, jaz sem hodila na aranžerski krožek in na krožek ročnih del-kjer smo kvačkali. Ne, ne hecam se, definitivno nisem bila v skupini cool sošolcev =). No, kvačko sem še isto leto izgubila, je bilo to, kar se tiče mojega kvačkanja. Ko se je začela srednja šola se take stvari absolutno niso spodobile, ker to je nekaj, kar počnejo samo luzerji. AMPAK!! Pinterst in DIY Blogi so craftanje dvignili na cool raven! =) Ahhh hvala Bogu za Pinterest! Pinterest je internetni prostor, kjer si (večinoma) ženske damo duška. Brskamo med fotografijami in jih pin-amo kot zmešane. Vsaj jaz sem taka! Ne vem zakaj ampak buljenje v food photography me pogreje pri srčku. In iskanje inspiracijskih fotografij notranjega dizajna, citatov, receptov, mode, kjut mačkov in psov... Uff! Vem, da je veliko žensk tam zunaj, ki me popolnoma razumejo in so prav tako krive takega obnašanja. Veste katere ste. Okej, ne vem zakaj sem začela blebetati o Pinterestu...(fokus Neja)..poanta te objave je DIY! Odločila sem se, da oživim strast do ustvarjanja z rokami..ahh, to je tako sproščujoče!! Tale DIY je popoln za jesen in takooo preprost! Enako stvar sem naredila že pol leta nazaj, s sivko....samo mi je šlo na živce,ker se je vse drobilo in sem danes sivko odstranila in naredila ta svečnik z vejicami. Všeč mi je tak stil... les in sveča kar kričita dom, toplina, jesen... Kaj pa vi? Uporabljate Pinterest? Moje table najdete tukaj. In ja, moja najljubša barva je bela=). Z ljubeznijo, Neja MATERIAL
Okrogli ali kvadratni svečniki / kozarci / kozarci za hrano
Vejice / sivka / posušene rože
Lepilo / elastika
Okrasni trak / rafija
četrtek, 29. avgust 2013
I smell Autumn
Summer is getting colder and the cold is coming through. I smell Autumn, endless scarfs, that you wrap and wrap, warm & sweet cappuccino, withdrawal from a cold to a warm, homy, enjoyable. Autumn is quiet, lively, beautiful. The new path starts in the Autumn. End of summer wanderings. Daydreams. Start ... The expectation of a fresh morning, sitting on a top with a book in your lap, and you are grateful for peace, for all the beauty you see, for the warmth that Fall gives you, despite the cold. It gives you hope. I look forward to You in the Fall. With Love, Neja |
Poletje se hladi in mraz prodira skozi. Vonjam jesen, neskončne šale, ki se ovijajo, topel & sladek kapučino, umik s hladnega na toplo, domače, prijetno. Jesen je tiha, burna, lepa. Nova pot se začne jeseni. Konec poletnih potepanj. Sanjarjenj. Začetek... Pričakovanje v svežem jutru, sediš na vrhu, s knjigo v naročju in si hvaležen za mir, za vse lepo kar vidiš, za toplino, ki ti jo daje jesen, kljub hladu. Daje ti upanje. Veselim se te, v jeseni. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
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