What? It's snowing, again!? Na - a! Okay, then ... hmmm .. then, yes then I'll read a book, listen to music, paint my nails, light a candle and eat cookies. Eh, the hell with everything! Teas are something for my soul. If you are not tea-person, then you probably really can not understand what is the point. It's just colored water right? And if you drink it without sugar (like me), then it gets even more boring, right? NO! I drink it because I associate it with peace. The ritual of preparing and drinking tea, is so calming. I am slowly building a tower of little tea boxes at home .. hmm, maybe I really have too many of them. Ginger is very healthy and the first time I prepared this tea, it was so good that I prepared it again this week. Great aroma of cinnamon and cloves, and slightly spicy taste of ginger. Just boil water, remove, add all three ingredients and leave for 10 minutes. Then it is best to at least remove the ginger, otherwise the taste will be too intense. I can not believe how this one song gets to me each time I listen to it, I could cry at 1:15. Tracy ... My God, what a woman with such a big heart! And her sincere smile! Why can't we have more people like her in this world? Did you know that she started playing guitar and writing songs when she was eight years old!?? Impressive activist and her concern for human rights can be seen in the song "Talkin '' Bout a Revolution". People like her are my role models. With tears in my eyes, I wish you a nice evening. With love, Neja |
Kaj?? Spet sneži? Na-a! Okej, potem pa...hmmm..potem pa, ja potem bom brala knjigo, poslušala musko, lakirala nohte, prižgala svečko in jedla piškote. Eh, k vragu vse skupaj! Čaji so nekaj za mojo dušo. Če nisi čaj-oseba, potem verjetno res ne moreš razumeti v čemu je poanta. Saj je samo obarvana voda kajne? In če ga piješ brez sladkorja (kot jaz), potem je vse skupaj še bolj dolgočasno, kajne? NE! Pijem ga zato, ker me asociira na mir. Obred priprave in pitje čaja, deluje popolnoma pomirjujoče. Doma počasi gradim stolp iz vseh čajnih škatlic..hmm, mogoče jih imam res preveč. Ingver je zelo zdrav in ko sem prvič pripravila ta čaj, mi je bil tako všeč, da sem ga ta teden še enkrat. Super aroma po cimetu in klinčkih, in rahlo pekoč okus ingverja. Samo zavrite vodo, odstavite, dodajte sestavine in počakajte 10 minut. Potem pa je najboljše, da vsaj ingver odstranite, ker bo drugače okus preveč intenziven. Ne morem verjeti, kako me tale song vsakič prevzame, na 1:15 bi lahko zajokala. Tracy... Moj bog, kako srčna ženska! In njen iskren nasmeh! Zakaj ni več TAKIH oseb na temu svetu? Ste vedeli, da je začela igrati kitaro in pisati pesmi že pri osmih letih!??? Občudovanja vredna aktivistka in njena skrb za človeške pravice se vidi v pesmi "Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution". Take osebe so moji vzorniki. S solzami v očeh, vam želim lep večer. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Tracy Chapman - Baby Can I Hold You
Is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like sorry like sorry
Forgive me
Is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like forgive me forgive me
But you can say baby
Baby can I hold you tonight
Maybe if I told you the right words
At the right time you'd be mine
I love you
Is all that you can't say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily
Like I love you I love you