
ponedeljek, 4. marec 2013

I feel / Čutim

We are here to create. That we in words, pictures, designs,  ... show what we feel. To speak. To make a mirror image of the emotions that drive us. It seems to me that some people have  this door immediately open. They instinctively feel the desire to create. Some have to look a little harder to find the key. We are here to listen to ourselves, not everyone who comes along when we walk on  the path of life. We shouldn't  give as much emphasis on the people that surround us. Do you realize how people affect you? And if you were surrounded by other people, everything would be different. So it's all very relative. Don't give such power to the people. We have to give that power to ourselves. We need to listen to ourselves. We need to love ourselves. When you realize, that  the only one that can truly make you happy, is you alone .... everything changes. What kind of relationship you have with yourself ... that's important. It's hard for me, when I see how someone puts his whole life in someone else's hands. How they  mistakenly think  that one person is  EVERYTHING. I  want to grab that person  by the shoulders, lift him, shake him hard and knock out that stupid way of thinking. No one has that power, you alone have it. And another thing that I personally find very important is .... that we should not adapt to people around us, yes, you do to some extent but I am thinking of a situations where you are surrounded by people who are very different from you and then you adjust yourself to them and then you are like them. And then you just attract more of those kind of  people. Be what you are. If you have an opinion, tell it. If you are an energetic person, who quickly gets excited by something, then show that. If something does not seem right to you, then speak about it. Of course, there are situations where you simply say: Ah hell, these people are not worthy of my real personality. This happens to me often .. sometimes you have to really choose which battles are worth fighting for. The best feeling in the world is, when you meet people who are just like you. I found that it's very important that the people around me are very similar to me.

I am here to create. To feel. To love. To live. To laugh.

With Love, Neja
Tukaj smo, da ustvarjamo. Da z besedami, slikami, kreacijami,  ... pokažemo, kaj čutimo. Da spregovorimo. Da naredimo zrcalno sliko emocijam, ki nas poganjajo. Zdi se mi, da imajo nekateri ta vrata takoj odprta. Instinktivno čutijo željo po ustvarjanju. Nekateri pa morajo malo močneje iskati, da najdejo ključ. Tukaj smo, da sebe poslušamo, ne pa vsakega, ki pride mimo, ko hodimo po poti življenja. Ne smemo dajati toliko poudarka ljudem, ki nas obdajajo. Se zavedate, kako ljudje vplivajo na vas? In če bi vas drugi ljudje obdajali, bi bilo vse drugače. Torej je vse zelo relativno. Zato  ne smemo podarjati take moči ljudem. Sebi jo moramo dati. Sebe moramo poslušati. Sebe moramo imeti radi. Ko dojameš, da je edini, ki te resnično lahko osreči, ti sam.... se vse spremeni. Kakšen odnos imaš sam s sabo... to šteje. Težko mi je, kadar vidim, kako nekdo celo svoje življenje postavi v roke nekoga drugega. Kako zmotno misli, da je tista oseba VSE. Tako osebo si želim zagrabiti za ramena, dvigniti, stresti in ji izbiti to neumno razmišljanje iz glave. Nihče nima te moči, ti sam jo imaš. In še ena stvar, ki se meni osebno zdi zelo pomembna je....da se ne smemo prilagoditi ljudem okoli sebe, do neke mere že ampak v mislih imam situacijo, ko te obdajajo ljudje, ki so precej drugačni od tebe in se jim potem prilagodiš in izpadeš še sam tak. In potem privlačiš samo še več takih ljudi. Bodi to, kar si. Če imaš mnenje, ga povej. Če si energična oseba, ki se hitro navduši nad vsem, potem pokaži to. Če se ti nekaj ne zdi prav, potem spregovori. Seveda so situacije, ko si preprosto rečeš: Ah k vragu, ti ljudje niso vredni moje prave osebnosti, ne da se mi. To se meni velikokrat dogaja..včasih moraš res izbrati, katere bitke je vredno bojevati. Najboljši občutek na svetu je, ko spoznaš sebi enake ljudi. Odkrila sem, da je zelo pomembno, da me obdajajo ljudje, ki so mi zelo podobni.

Tukaj sem, da ustvarjam. Da čutim. Da ljubim. Da živim. Da se smejim.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

2 komentarja:

  1. Lep zapis, se popolnoma strinjam s tabo :).
    Pa Bon Iver je zakon! :)


    1. Hey Gita! Hvala, hvala...=) Iverja sem pa šele pred kratkim odkrila in ja, obožujem ga!


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