In winter, we decided to remodel our little home. Not all of it, just the main room. Now I can breathe a little easier because we ordered custom furniture, so everything fits perfectly. We draw out everything we wanted and made the best use of every inch of our room (and we don't have a lot of inches available). We peeled the paint off walls and then painted it ourselves. That period was the most stressful, because we lived for some time in the middle of ... it looked like a construction site. We only had a bed, a tv and a bunch of peeled paint around us. Unfortunately, we didn't have a choice. |
Pozimi sva najin mini domek prenovila. Ne celega, le glavno sobo. Sedaj diham malo lažje, saj sva pohištvo naročila po meri. Sama sva si narisala kaj želiva in tako sva najbolj izkoristila vsak cm (in teh cm je zelo malo na voljo). Sama sva spraskala omet, pokitala, prebelila in tisto obdobje je bilo najbolj stresno, ker sva nekaj časa živela sredi… izgedalo je kot gradbišče. Imela sva le posteljo, tv in polno ometa okoli naju. Na žalost nisva imela druge izbire. |
Tea? You wanna? Come, come on then, let us drink a cup of tea together. | Čaj? Bi? Pridi, prisedi, skupaj spijva skodelico čaja. |
Recycling is cool. This large wooden basket lied around all dusty at my parents' house. It was full of children's toys for the past I don't know how many years and I got an idea to use it for bedding and decorative pillows. Originally, this basket came from the bakery and is meant for bread. It's so nice to have at home something... something old, that connects me to my childhood, is meant for bread, but now it's part of the renewed image of our home. Perhaps I will once paint it in white, but for now, my eyes are resting on this natural brown. | Reciklaža je kul. Ta velika lesena košara je visela vsa zaprašena pri mojih starših. V njej so bile vsa ta leta otroške igrače, jaz pa sem videla drug potencial v njej. Zdela se mi je idealna za pospravit vanjo posteljnino in okrasne blazine. Originalno je ta košara prišla iz pekarne in je mišljena za kruh. Še toliko lepše…imeti doma nekaj, kar je staro, me povezuje z mojim otroštvom, je mišljeno za kruh, sedaj pa je del prenovljene podobe najinega doma. Morda jo bom nekoč pobarvala na belo, za enkrat mi tudi rjava spočije oči. |
The main point of my blog is taking pictures of food and therefore I need a lot of junk. If I only knew this when I started writing a food blog. I can not even describe how much decoration is needed for such pictures. Before the renovation, most of the decor was stuffed somewhere. I never knew where anything is and what do I have. That's why I wanted long shelves across the entire wall so I can have everything in front of me and I can decide what I'm using for shooting. Of course, there are still many things stuffed in drawers of coffee table. | Glavna poanta tega bloga je fotografiranje hrane in zato potrebujem veliko krame. Ko bi le vedela v kaj sem se podala, ko sem začela pisati food blog. Sploh ne morem opisati, koliko dekorja je potrebnega za takšno fotografiranje. Pred prenovo je bila večina dekorja stlačenega nekje. Nikoli nisem vedela kje je kaj in kaj sploh imam na voljo. Zato sem si želela dolge police čez celo steno, da imam lahko vse pred sabo in se lažje odločim kaj bom uporabila pri fotografiranju. Seveda je še vedno veliko stvari stlačenih v predalih kavne mizice. |
I peeked on Pinterest for coffee table ideas. I wanted drawers, which could be used for hiding a bunch of smaller items. I don't like coffee tables made out of glass, because I think it looks messy if things are visible. I prefer them hidden. | Za dizajn kavne mizice sem pokukala na Pinterest. Želela sem tako s predali, ki bi jo lahko izkoristila za en kup manjših predmetov. Poleg tega pa ne maram steklenih, ker se mi zdi, da izgleda razmetano, če so stvari vidne. Raje jih imam skrite. |
We chose white material for furniture, brown floor and white walls. I didn't expect to have such trouble finding handles & knobs for furniture. You might think it's funny but for me, handles & knobs are equally important than furniture. I feel like they completely define the overall look of furniture. I checked out several shops, but I din't find those perfect ones, so I decided to order them on Etsy. | Izbrala sva bel material za pohištvo, rjava tla in bele stene. Nisem si mislila, da bom imela take težave z iskanjem ročajev za pohištvo. Lahko se komu zdi smešno ampak zame so ročaji enako pomembni, kot samo pohištvo. Zdi se mi, da ravno ročaji popolnoma definirajo celoten videz. Premetala sem kar nekaj trgovin, nič mi ni bilo všeč in na koncu sem jih raje naročila kar na Etsy-ju. |
I spontaneously bought these hangers for coats. I like them because they are rustic and pastel. Below are two small chairs that are used in kindergartens. My sister, who is a preschool teacher brought these from her kindergarten, because they were thrown away. I sprayed them with white paint and now I use them as footstools. You can see a white bird house on them, which was originally black .. but you know ... I love everything white .... | Spontano sem kupila te obešalnike za plašče. Všeč so mi, ker so rustikalni in pastelni. Spodaj sta dva majhna stola, ki se uporabljajo v vrtcih. Moja sestra, ki je vzgojiteljica jih je prinesla iz vrtca, ker so jih vrgli stran. Mišljeni so bili za pokurit, dokler jih nisem jaz vzela, posprejala z belo barvo in sedaj mi služijo kot pručke. Na njih je bela ptičja hišica, ki je bila originalno črna..ampak saj vesta…jaz in bela barva…. |
Whuup-whup, exercise equipment! Aaah, I miss playing badminton on the lawn in Tivoli. | Whuup-whup, telovadna oprema! Aaah, pogrešam igranje badmintona na travi v Tivoliju. |
Brightness means a lot to me, because it feels so positively, plus I need it for food photography. The thing I love the most in out little home, that I call a tin, is the fact that we have 3 windows in one room.. 3! Apartment is positioned towards the sunset, so I can enjoy watching beautiful sunsets, plus I melt all the time in the Summer, because it gets soo hoooot! I prefer listening to audio books during my running time. Have you seen the movie The Help? I watched the movie first and last month I've listened the audio book. Ideal for forgetting the fact that you already ran-I-don't-know-how-many-miles-and-you-want-to-stop-God-damn-it!!! |
Svetloba mi veliko pomeni, ker deluje pozitivno, hkrati jo potrebujem zaradi fotografiranja. Pri najini majhni konzervi mi največ pomeni to, da imava v sobi 3 okna. 3!!! Pozicija stanovanja je postavljena tako, da lahko uživam v lepem sončnem zahodu….in se poleti posledično topim, ker je tako vročeeee! Med tekom najraje poslušam audio knjige. Ste gledali film The help? Najprej sem gledala film, prejšnji mesec sem pa še knjigo poslušala med tekom. Idealno za pozabit dejstvo, da si pretekel že-ne-vem-kateri-kilometer-in-se-hočeš-ustavit-hudiča! |
How cool is this mouse pad! It's actually a notebook, so you can write on it your notes, chores and then you throw a sheet of paper away and yaaaay…you have your pretty, fresh mouse pad back! | Kako kul je tale podloga za miško! V resnici je blok, torej si lahko nanjo napišeš vse tisto, kar ne smeš pozabiti, utrgaš, vržeš stran, jeeej in spet je lepa nepopisana podloga! |
I use these mini handles form my necklaces, so I can have my jewelry nice and tidy. | Tile mini ročaji služijo temu, da imam malo večji red, kar se tiče verižic. |
We both wanted a large closet from floor to ceiling. This is my half. | Oba sva si želela veliko omaro, ki bi segala od tal do stropa. Tole je moja polovica. |