
sobota, 2. februar 2013

Rainy Saturday

Happy news! My cold is gone  and I am fully kicking again! Today I bought some accessories for my cooking posts .. I can not wait to start  to cook more often! It is such a joy that I can not describe  the feeling... well I can sum up in couple words: It's the  bomb! Thank you all for following me, I will forever be grateful for your time!
Rainy Saturday should not be a reason for a bad mood, I love the rain , I like summer rain more, but winter  rain is not so bad. I remember that I was bare feet in the street, looking for  warm rain puddles to jump in when I was 8 or 9 years was fun! I want to do that again! I will do it this summer .. I'm 100%!
What goes well  together with the rain ? Music! Lot's of music!! Daaaaaamn this music is good!!!

With love, Neja
Vesela novica!!! Pozdravila sem se in že brcam na polno! Danes sem šla kupiti nekaj dodatkov za moje kuharske objave..komaj čakam, da začnem spet na polno kuhati!!  To je tako veselje, da ne znam lahko povzamem z dvema besedama : Bomba je!! Hvala, ker ste z mano, ker me spremljate, večno vam bom hvaležna za vaš čas!
Deževna sobota ne sme biti razlog za slabo voljo, sama obožujem dež, sicer imam raje poletni dež, ampak tudi zimski ni tako slab. Spomnim se, da sem samo enkrat v življenju bosa skakala po toplih poletnih lužah...bilo je zabavno! To si želim ponoviti..letos poleti bom, 100%!
Na tak deževen dan paše muska..veliko muske!! Madona, ta muska je huda!!

Z ljubeznijo, Neja