
ponedeljek, 24. februar 2014

How long do you want to be loved? Is forever enough? Cause I'm never, never giving you up.

My spirit is traditionaly romantic,
and yours isn’t.
Although I am subtle
and you are the opposite.

We fit.

I will smooth your sharp edges with my soft fingers.
Just like you smoothed mine.
You came along when moments were dark.
And heavy. And bitter.

I wasn't sure,
I had my doubts.
But now…

I know.

Now I have love in my heart.
You can't let this feeling to slip away.

All I want to feel is your warm hand.
Hear those saliva bubbles that crack in the corners of your lips when you laugh.
Do our ridiculous joke dance that we have.
Do that funny handshake I tried to turn into something we would do everytime you come home.

To the man that never cries..
I cry a happy tears for you.
Because You will never be enough.
I will never get tired of you.
And someday in the future, I will go on a journey with you.

sreda, 19. februar 2014

Things I like

-The feeling of his warm arms wrapped around my waist.
-The smell of old books and their soft, yellow paper.
-White everything. Clothes, sheets, furniture, home decor, pillows, wooden white floors.
-Sushi. The kind that Truffle presented to me, with a mixture of soy sauce and Japanese horseradish.
-Piers. I want to find all wooden piers in Slovenia.
-Photos. Photography. How it feels when a photograph stops, freezes a moment… The close up of details.
-Contrasts. Life contrasts. Too much good can lost its charm. Then you don’t want it so much anymore. You have to be some time without it, so you can appreciate it, when you get it back.
-The time when I am creating something with my hands, while listening to music/audio books/Youtube videos.
-Seinfeld, Will & Grace, Friends, Brothers & Sisters, Survivor, The Bachelor, Cougar Town, New Girl, The Good Wife, Winners & Losers ...
-Tea. Tea and biscuits in bed .... while reading ... watching something. And chocolate.
-Kako ovije svoje tople roke okrog mojega pasu.
-Vonj stare knjige in njen mehak, rumen papir.
-Belo vse. Obleke, rjuhe, pohištvo, dekor, blazine, lesena bela tla.
-Suši. Tak, kakršnega mi ga je Tartufi predstavil-z mešanico sojine omake in japonskega hrena.
-Pomoli. Želim si poiskati vse lesene pomole v Sloveniji.
-Fotografije. Fotografiranje. Občutek, ko s fotografijo ustaviš trenutek, čas..približaš očem detajl.
-Kontraste. Življenjske kontraste. Preveč dobrega naenkrat izgubi svoj čar. Dobrega si potem ne želiš več tako močno. Moraš biti nekaj časa brez, da ceniš, ko prideš spet do dobrega.
-Čas, ko nekaj ustvarjam z rokami in istočasno poslušam glasbo/zvočno knjigo/posnetek iz Youtube
-Seinfeld, Will & Grace, Friends, Brothers & Sisters, Survivor, The Bachelor, Cougar town, New girl, The good wife, Winners & Losers…
-Čaj. Čaj in piškote v postelji….ob branju…ob gledanju. In čokolado.
-Fruit picking.
-Peeping in the oven while I wait for timer to beep.
-Order, organization, cleanliness.
-Vintage & floral patterns.

-Obiranje sadja.
-Kukanje v pečico medtem, ko čakam, da zapiska zvonec odštevalnika časa.
-Red, organiziranost, čistočo.
-Vintage & floral vzorce.
-Inside ‘’window’’ shopping. Primarily those that sell home decor. Or books.
-Spending all day in pajamas. Since childhood. And still.
-Being true to myself.
-Cool designs of all sorts of products. I always pay attention to it. Whether it's tea cans, hand creams, food packaging ....
-Medallions & antique style jewelry.
-Brskanje po trgovinah. Predvsem takih, kjer prodajajo dekor za dom. Ali knjige.
-Preživljanje dneva v pižami. Že od otroštva. In še vedno.
-Biti zvesta sama sebi.
-Zanimive dizajne artiklov. Vedno sem pozorna na to. Pa naj gre za pločevinaste škatle s čajem, kreme, prehranske embalaže….
-Medaljone & starinski nakit.
-Having a goal.
-Letting go of the past.
-Old music. 60 ', 70', 80 '. The Beatles, Marvin Geye, Diana Ross, Fleetwood Mac, The Zombies, The Stylistics, Al Green, Doris Day, Frank Sinatra, Rose Royce, The Shirelles, Sam Cooke, Etta James, The Marveletts, Styx, Journey, Tears for Fears, Eric Clapton, Bee Gees, Eric Carmen, George Benson, Lou Reed, Chicago, ELO, The Chiffons, The Ronettes, Doris Troy, The Temptations, The Supremes, Bobby Hebbel, Tammi Terrell, ...
-Cute notebooks
-Postavljanje ciljev.
-Puščanje preteklosti za seboj.
-Glasbo starejših obdobij. 60', 70', 80'. The Beatles, Marvin Geye, Diana Ross, Fleetwood Mac, The Zombies, The Stylistics, Al Green, Doris Day, Frank Sinatra, Rose Royce, The Shirelles, Sam Cooke, Etta James, The Marveletts, Styx, Journey, Tears for fears, Eric Clapton, Bee Gees, Eric Carmen, George Benson, Lou Reed, Chicago, E.L.O., The Chiffons, The Ronettes, Doris Troy, The Temptations, The Supremes, Bobby Hebb, Tammi Terrell,  …
-Lepe beležke.
-Shutting people’s mouth.
-Food Nicknames.
-Pinterest. Goodreads. IMDB.
-Seeing underdogs succeed.
-Food talk. I love listening people talk about food, what they ate for lunch, in a restaurant, on a trip..
-Knowing who you are. You know exactly who you are and you live in accordance with it. Without pretending, hiding and acting the way people around you expect from you.
-Self-esteem. Knowing your worth.
-Projects. Any kind.
-Older actors. Tom Hanks, Diane Lane, Sela Ward, Dustin Hpffman, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sally Field ...
-Writing a blog. Obviously.
-Kinfolk, ChefSteps
-People who have a massive interest in people. That listen to you when you talk and they ask you a tone of questions and wonder about everything. They give you an impression that you're the most interesting person in the world.
-The feeling when I win a book in the giveaway and I get the book with a dedication of the author in my mailbox.
-Zapiranje ust ljudem.
-Vzdevke v povezavi s hrano.
-Pinterest. Goodreads. Imdb.
-Ko nekomu, ki ni bogat, nima pogojev, nima vez in poznanstev, uspe.
-Pogovor o hrani. O tem kaj je nekdo jedel za kosilo, na potovanju, izletu, v restavraciji…
-Ko nekdo pozna samega sebe. Točno ve kdo je in živi v skladu s tem. Brez, da bi se pretvarjal, brez, da bi se skrival in ravnal tako, kot njegova okolica pričakuje od njega.
-Projekte. Kakršnekoli.
-Starejše igralce. Tom Hanks, Diane Lane, Sela Ward, Dustin Hpffman,  Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sally Field…
-Ustvarjanje bloga. Logično.
-Kinfolk, ChefSteps
-Ljudje, ki imajo ogromno zanimanje za ljudi. Ki te poslušajo, ko se pogovarjaš z njimi, te sprašujejo O VSEM. Ti dajo občutek, da si najbolj zanimiva oseba na svetu.
-Občutek, ko zadanem knjigo na nagradni igri in dobim knjigo s posvetilom avtorja v nabiralnik.

-Reading life stories of people that made it in life. That inspires me.
-Getting to know myself .. Learning about what kind of a woman I’m becoming.
-When people around me say : '' This is totally your style. '' Because it means they know me and I allow them to know me, to know these kind of things about me. At the same time, this also means that I have my own style. Back in the day I didn’t even know what my style is.
-Writing in the middle of the night because my thoughts become most creative during night time.
-The periods when I’m hungry for success.
-Cookbooks with a soul & beautiful photographs.
-Zgodbe o ljudeh, ki jim je uspelo-inspiracija.
-Spoznavanje sebe..kakšna ženska postajam.
-Ko mi ljudje, ki me obdajajo, rečejo: '' To je popolnoma tvoj stil. '' Ker to pomeni, da me poznajo in jim sama dovolim, da me poznajo, da vedo kaj mi je všeč. Hkrati pa to tudi pomeni, da imam svoj stil. Dolgo časa mi ni bilo jasno, kakšen sploh je moj stil.
-Kreativnost. Ustvarjanje.
-Pisanje sredi noči, ker je noč čas, ko postanejo moje misli najbolj kreativne.
-Obdobje, ko sem lačna uspeha.
-Kuharske knjige z dušo & lepimi fotografijami.
-Throwing out the old and bringing in the new.
-Stand - up comedy.
-Animals ... more than people.
-When you write down an idea, then you forget about it, and read it again over several days, weeks ... and you're excited about how good it is.
-Shampoo with the scent of oranges.
-The sound of a cat purring.
-Documentaries about sloths.
-Watching The Bachelor with Truffle, because we make fun of all those cheesy things and laugh like crazy.
-The fact that I have an opinion.
-Sleeping in a light top and shorts ... with polka dots of course.

-Odstranjevanje vsega starega in prinašanje novega.
-Stand up šove.
-Živali…celo raje od ljudi.
-Ko zapišeš idejo, pozabiš nanjo in jo še enkrat prebereš čez več dni, tednov… in si navdušen nad tem, kako dobra je.
-Šampon z vonjem pomaranče.
-Zvok mačke, ki prede.
-Dokumentarce o lenivcih.
-Gledanje Sanjskega moškega (The Bachelor) s Tartufijem, ker se skupaj delava norca iz osladnosti in smejiva, kot zmešana.
-Dejstvo, da imam svoje mnenje.
-Spanje v lahkotni majčki in kratkih hlačah…s pikicami seveda.

-The moment when someone trusts me and opens up to me & letting me closer.
-Nights when I can’t sleep because my head is full of ideas and I feel like a browser that has 1230 open tabs.
-Waking up Truffle in the middle of the afternoon nap by saying he’s late for work. Because he is so cute when he tells me to go to hell.
-Coconut Milk.
-Deer décor.
-Hot chocolate. Sweet. Dense. Hot. With cream. With toppings.
-Trenutek, ko mi nekdo zaupa, se mi odpre in me spusti bližje k sebi.
-Noči, ko ne morem spati, ker mi po glavi šviga toliko idej in se počutim kot brskalnik, ki ima odprtih 1230 oken.
-Zbujanje Tartufija sredi popoldanskega počitka rekoč, da zamuja v službo. Ker je tako prikupen, ko me pošlje k vragu.
-Kokosovo mleko.
-Motiv jelenov.
-Vročo čokolado. Sladko. Gosto. Vročo. S smetano. S posipi.
-Meaningful conversations.
-Crumbled spaghetti that are short & thick sauce and a tone of Parmesan on top.
-Konkretne pogovore.
-Nadrobljene špagete, da so kratki & gosto omako, da se omaka res oprime špageta in tona parmezana na vrhu.
-People who can think past their profession. That don’t behave in a private life as a lawyer, teacher, doctor .... That they know how to take a step back.
-Polka dots. Especially in clothing.
-Ljudje, ki lahko razmišljajo mimo svojega poklica. Da se ne obnašajo tudi v privat življenju kot odvetnik, učitelj, zdravnik….Da znajo stopiti korak nazaj.
-Pikice. Še posebno na oblačilih.
-When people, that actually read my blog post, leave a comment.
-Urejanje foto albumov.
-Ko blog zapis komentirajo ljudje, ki so zapis dejansko prebrali.